Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Cecilia's First Snow

Cecilia saw her first snow this morning. She's wondering what all the white stuff is and seems a bit skeptical of it all. Her mom is still skeptical after 10+ years of living in Minnesota.
Maeve was excited too. Cecilia is still fighting off RSV so I was holding Cecilia in the chair in her room this morning and Maeve woke up and I didn't hear her. She got out of her bed and went downstairs and opened the door to look for Eric at 5:40am!! He was out there plowing the snow and was wondering what he was doing?!! I'm sure the neighbors were happy about it too :)


  1. Cecilia does not look amused by the cold white flakes! I don't blame her!! ❄️

  2. So cute!! Hope Miss Cecilia feels better soon :)

  3. Cecilia might be worried that she will be left out in that stuff and disappear for hours because of the cute white suit that she is wearing!!

  4. Such an adorable little outfit! Hope she feels better, but even sick she is so stinkin' cute!
