Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sadie is 10 years old today!

According to our records, Sadie turns 10 years old today! Happy birthday furry friend. Sadie enjoys walks near the golf course and running freely in our backyard and chasing animals. She chased a chipmunk into the gutter this past weekend so with the help of Grandpa Steve and Uncle Jon Gilmore yesterday, Eric was able to fix the gutter where Sadie bent it. Never a dull moment!

Sadie K also loves to watch Maeve eat her meals and is happy to clean up after her. She is a great dog!


  1. Happy Birthday Sadie K!! You are right behing Sadie E, who turned 10 in February!!

  2. Happy birthday to Sadie!

  3. Happy Birthday, Sadie. You are a good hound!

  4. Happy birthday, Sadie E! The best of dog cousins, although they wouldn't like each other if they met :)

  5. Sadie K loves her "Grandpa Dog!" Or do you prefer 'Dawg?"

  6. Dawg - that would match the unusual spelling of Edmund Edmonds
